Monday, February 1, 2010

Fertility Massage

If you are preparing to conceive, having a challenge conceiving or using Assisted Reproductive Technology...

Fertility Massage is specifically designed to help cleanse, balance and relax a woman's body, helping her to create a harmonious emotional, spiritual and physical environment for conception. This bodywork includes massage (deep tissue, abdominal, Swedish), foot reflexology and CranialSacral work .*

Conception is a dance of hormones that must align just so in order for the production, release, fertilization and implantation of the egg to happen. Stress greatly affects this hormonal process and can cause changes in ovulation, cycle length and tubal spasms. Those stressors may be major life-changing events, the day to day challenges of living in a busy world or the process of trying to have a baby.Studies have shown that massage lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Massage also improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system, reduces depression and improves overall health. Improved circulation brings a more efficient flow of blood and lymph to carry away toxins, while bringing in oxygen and nutrients to all body tissues - including the reproductive organs. When all these bodily systems function at their optimum levels conception is more likely to occur.

Fertility Massage also focuses on releasing restrictions within the body such as adhesions or scar tissue. These adhesions often impinge on the fallopian tube's ability to function. Women who have had abdominal surgery, endometriosis, inflammatory disease or other abdominal/ reproductive health challneges are more likely to have adhesions. Abdominal massage and trigger point work can help release these restrictions. This brings improved blood flow to the pelvic basin and the reproductive organs.

Each massage session is tailored to a woman's specific needs and include a combination of massage, CranioSacral work*, foot reflexology, abdominal massage, Reiki and trigger point work.
The initial session includes a consultatioin/intake process and may run 90 - 120 minutes. Regular sessions run between 50 and 75 minutes. Fertility Massage is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

For scheduling information, please go to (don't miss the dash) or email me at

* see the June '09 post for info on CranioSacral Work for moms-to-be @


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